Thursday, May 31, 2007

XDR-TB claims another victim in W Cape

An 18-year-old youth has died of extreme drug resistant tuberculosis, the fifth death from the deadly strain of TB in the Western Cape as Brooklyn Chest Hospital runs out of space in its special isolation ward.

The 22-bed isolation unit, specially set up to address the rising incidence of XDR-TB in the province, is now 100 percent full, as provincial health authorities move fast to identify further space to address the demand.

The issue of isolation of patients with XDR-TB and the slightly less dangerous multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) is in the spotlight following news on Monday that Delft doctors were forced to send home a highly-infectious female patient because of a shortage of isolation unit beds… Steyn said there were currently 37 confirmed XDR-TB patients in the Western Cape… Cape Argus

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