Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sexwale delivers on housing pledge

HUMAN Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale has handed more than 500 houses to a Port Alfred community.

Construction of the houses started in April. Sexwale said yesterday the handover signified a new way of accelerated service delivery.

Sexwale said: "We made a promise to you, not only to deliver houses but to do so in a faster pace; this government doesn't joke, when we say something must be done it must be done.

"This project is an indication of how this government is going to do things. We are not going to allow any slow pace in the delivery of service. We are now going to increase the pace of delivery in all our projects ... our people cannot and must not wait any longer for decent shelter.

"I cannot sleep properly in my house if my people are homeless, when they can't be protected from the weather when it is rainy and windy ... suffering in their shacks."

On completion, the project will see 5,000 rental and bonded houses built, including the provision of schools, clinics and business places within the community.

But the lack of bulk services, mainly major waterworks such as desalination plant to treat sea water, a plant to clean river water or construction of a new dam, is delaying the roll-out of the remaining 4,500 homes.

- Sowetan

1 comment:

Africannabis said...

Well I hope that Tokyo slept comfortably that night, after a job well 1/10th done; while 500 humans had their settlement burnt to ashes...

Human Settlements score:


In one day.