Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools – Jacob Zuma calls for immediate Hemp legalization after multiple green epiphanies last night.

In an astonishing turn of events, South African President Jacob Zuma calls for National legalization of hemp, also known as cannabis sativa or dagga locally, after he had multiple epiphanies in dreams last night during his round house visits of his 3 wives.

“I had green sustainable dreams last night where I realized the potential of this plant they call hemp. We can make every South African’s life better by just saying yes to hemp.”

DA leader Helen Zille commented on this radical move by South Africa’s president by saying: “Not even our campaign now stand a chance against this sustainable hemp legalization call by our President”.

Jacob had the epiphany in the early hours of the morning, he immediately phoned former President Nelson Mandela after which his reply was: “We’ve been fooled too long about this plant’s potential. We shall not discriminate this plant by calling it something else. Dagga is our salvation. All we need to do is say yes, the people will do the rest. Viva!.”

There’s already a growing number of support for sustainable Dagga use in South Africa and Jeremy Acton from the sustainable political was totally surprised to get a phone call from Jacob Zuma as he took his first sip of coffee this morning. “I’ve never in my life expected this to happen. He is for once backing the best thing this Rainbow Nation has ever seen.” Jeremy goes on with saying: “Our legalization fight is over, it’s time to celebrate this victory and get on with planting. Viva Ama Dagga Dagga!”

Tony Budden from was unavailable for comment as he was on holiday in the sustainable house of hemp that he built in Cape Town.

The petition site got an influx of visitors this morning with the server almost overloading around 9:30am.

Desmond Tutu briefly stated during breakfast this morning: “All he had to do is say yes!”

Jaob Zuma promised to get the cabinet to sort out the legal paperwork this week and to provide rural farmers with subsidiaries for farming equipment and called for a R2 Billion Hemp seed import to get things going.

“We will show the DA how many more RDP houses and RDP mansions we can build with this thing called hemp.” Jacob Zuma concluded.

- Imielvisser

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