Wild Lemon Productions, a leading Cape Town based video production company was recently awarded the contract to cover the Governance Summer School, a government initiated conference held at the 5 star Lord Charles Hotel in Somerset West.
The event was the brainchild of MEC Richard Dyantyi in an attempt at injecting a passion for learning into the leaders of local municipalities and districts, spanning the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape.
From the outset delegates were told that for the duration of the 5 day “schooling” they held no job titles or positions of hierarchy, everyone was there as a “learner”. The intention was to bring leaders of the three provinces together to work as a team on overcoming realistic scenarios set by the organizers and academics in attendance. In addition the learners were guided by statisticians and local political heroes, including former MP Mac Maharaj.
The school was attended by more than three hundred local government officials from the three Cape Provinces. Among the delegates were the three MECs Richard Dyantyi from the Western Cape, JF Boeboe van Wyk of the Northern Cape and Toko Xasa from the Eastern Cape, Western Cape Premiere Ebrahim Rasool (who was interviewed by E-TV news reporter Lukhanyo Calato) and Harry Dugmore (from the South African Presidency’s Policy Co-ordination and Advisory Services).
The event was organized by Isandla Institute and covered by Wild Lemon Productions. The Wild Lemon team consisted of two videographers, Richard Sandy and Nic van der Westhuizen, and production and video editing manager, Kerrin Kokot.
Wild Lemon Productions is currently editing the footage. The planned release date is 31 April, 2008. - Filmmaker
The event was the brainchild of MEC Richard Dyantyi in an attempt at injecting a passion for learning into the leaders of local municipalities and districts, spanning the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape.
From the outset delegates were told that for the duration of the 5 day “schooling” they held no job titles or positions of hierarchy, everyone was there as a “learner”. The intention was to bring leaders of the three provinces together to work as a team on overcoming realistic scenarios set by the organizers and academics in attendance. In addition the learners were guided by statisticians and local political heroes, including former MP Mac Maharaj.
The school was attended by more than three hundred local government officials from the three Cape Provinces. Among the delegates were the three MECs Richard Dyantyi from the Western Cape, JF Boeboe van Wyk of the Northern Cape and Toko Xasa from the Eastern Cape, Western Cape Premiere Ebrahim Rasool (who was interviewed by E-TV news reporter Lukhanyo Calato) and Harry Dugmore (from the South African Presidency’s Policy Co-ordination and Advisory Services).
The event was organized by Isandla Institute and covered by Wild Lemon Productions. The Wild Lemon team consisted of two videographers, Richard Sandy and Nic van der Westhuizen, and production and video editing manager, Kerrin Kokot.
Wild Lemon Productions is currently editing the footage. The planned release date is 31 April, 2008. - Filmmaker
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